notable projects


royal for artists

Created a landing page to scale our artist onboarding. In addition to copy and development, this project involved getting positioning alignment across teams.

Role: Project manager, brand strategist, copywriter 

rebrand & homepage launch

Shipped both a new homepage and company rebrand to position eCommerce sellers as the hero and 8fig as the funding solution that helps them to scale faster and smarter. 

Role: Project manager, brand strategist, copywriter 

song valuation calculator

Launched a calculator that allows artists and listeners to understand the fair market value of a song’s estimated future master streaming royalties with a simple search.  

Role: Product marketer (GTM), copywriter

full coverage insurance video

Shipped both a new homepage and company rebrand to position eCommerce sellers as the hero and 8fig as the funding solution that helps them to scale faster and smarter. 

Role: Project manager, brand strategist, copywriter